Care & Maintenance

Proper care and maintenance is an integral component to keeping the desired appearance of your floors.

Monarch Plank floors are coated with different types of coatings. Different coatings require different maintenance procedures. The cleaning/maintenance products recommended for one coating may damage a floor finished with another type of coating. Before cleaning your floor, confirm what type of coating it has. If your floor is from one of our standard collections, use the chart below to identify the coating type. Contact Monarch Plank directly if you are not certain. See below under ‘Detailed Cleaning Instructions’ for each coating type.


Alpine, Amalfi, Boulevard, Domaine II, Dover, La Grande, Lago, Luxe, Manor, New World, Regent, Tableau, True Teak, Verano, Vinland & Windsor Collections (Urethane)



Domaine, Forte, La Rue, and Storia II Collections (UV Oil)



Castello (Oxidative Oil)


!Custom Colors! - Always confirm with your Monarch Plank sales representative exactly which coating type was used on your custom order before downloading applicable Care & Maintenance information




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